The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

FORECAST Occasional 'ending rain tomorrow, Thursday probably colder Thursday. Testerday's 52, Low 33 Temperatures High The Daily Pa ESTABLISHED IN 1892-NO. 16,174 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. TUESDAY NAVAL CRUISERS ARE DISPATCHED TO QUELL REVOLT NORTH BRAZIL Government Declares State of Seige Over Entire Nation Today Rebels Still Strategic Seaport Authorities Make Complete Round-up of -pects In Communist Movement NO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 26- 1m- The Brazilian government pond a State of slege nation today and diepatched No combat the Northeast revolt.

Authoritative advices indicated de insurgents were hold-: ing their gains. rebels shill held the seaport of Natal and the nearby city of. Stacahyba, in the northeutern state for Rio. Grande: Do Norte, authenticated reports said, after, seizing them Sunday upon the outbreak of the revolution While the two cruisers weighed anchor with arma, munitions and an unannounced number of men, apparently to bear down' on Natal 400 government: troops made forced march toward Macahyba (n in attempt to wrest that site from the rebels. The 60-day state of ap proved by Parliament to an emergency session last night and striping the nation of many of its con-stifutional guarantees, was applied sternly: by police.

Jails were being filled beyond capacity as. authorities rounded up suspected extremists. "States Are Armed Camps All twenty states and the two Federal territorities of BrazilSouth America's largest nation, greater. than territorial States- were: virtual armed: camps. Government officials coordinated uprisings at, Olindi, Pernambuco, and the other northeastern of Alagoas and Parahybal, were being crushed.

-The rebels were holding their own in the state of Rio Grande' Do Norte, however, and were known to be near Recite, capital of, state of Pernambuco, despite successive setbacks at the towns of Olinde, and Areias. Plot Is Nipped alleged, plot to enlist the Arst cavalry regiment, quartered in the A beart of Rio De Janeiro, in a against the government was thwarted today as feports from -authentic sources showed a rebellion death list of from 40 to 60 men. Lieut. Lauro Fontoura, detailed to the training of reserve officers, was arreated before dawn charged with attempting to Incite a revolt of the cavalry unit. Officials said he had made an effort to bring the crack mounted corps Into line with the soldiers who are fighting in northeast Braail.

against, the government. From the. state- of Pernambuco, Capt. Melvino. Rets, secretary of security of the state, reported that after 22 hours of the insurgents had been driven back toward Socorro, the military Garriton of Recife, and that, about 80 had been killed and .100 captured.

However, socialists here. in the capital who said their information came through 'secret. channels asserted that the. rebel deaths had more than 40. The loyalists' partial victory in Pernambuco apparently WAS due to the arrival at Recite of Federa) -troops from the neighboring states of.

Parahyba, and Alagoas. Afogados Shelled The Federal' mountain artillery. day' shelled Afogados effectively jesterand the rebel retirement toward Sacorro rig With the Federal forces claimpoint; to hold the upper. hand at that expected the: Perambuco government, squadrons to send: air bombing Into the" state of Rio rebel Do Norte to break up Grande formations. was fighting.

there The light the 21st battalion of for. the infantry, which "has rebelled third time. since 1931, and by. Col of loyal officers headed cooperation Octavio with -Pinto the soares militarized police of the state, been The Colonel was reported to have wounded twice, but "-to have believed. organized: the 'Joyat- elements and until capable of holding.

out Federal assistance arrives. soarer ordered the rebels fighting to. surrender withairplanes, tew hours or bombed by (Copy tight, -Associated Press) Pa Progress BER 26, 1935 BER CINESE MOVE TO CHECK AUTONOMY UNDER JAPANESE Executive: Committee of Government Forms Program Tokyo States: Moves Will Prove Futile General Kai Named To Take Over Duties of Military Council. (By, Associated Tress) Chinese Central Government Executive Committee In Nanking today. fornied a program to check the in- North China.

fligh points in he program were establishment of a l'eiping branch: of the central government, tion of. the -military council there -and appointment of a military, atfairs commission under General Chiang Kal- millitary head. of the government, to take over the round' business. of' Gen. Bung ChehYuan, North China overlord, pacification commissioner in the area and arrest.

of Yin Ju-Kenka self -appointed head of the New Eastern Hopch Autonomous government, were other points, Meantime, Lt: Col. Tan Takahashi, Japanese Military attache, bald the Eastern Hopeh State: the beginning of. a widespread autonomous movement, which cannot be headed off by the Chinese Centray government. Gen, Shang Chen, another North military -leader, urged immediate surpression "by armed force" of the self-guvernment A Japanese Embassy spokesman said the Central Government romiss In failing to' recognize the "popular" trends for Five Point Program SHANGHAI, Nov. -The centra: government moved to cherk the North autonomy movement today by adoption of sweeping Ave-point program of administrative reforms.

Responsible Japanese quarters said the central government's ex cutive committee, meeting Nanking, decided: 1. To eatablish a' P'elping' office of the -executive body, with war mir.inter Hu Ying-Chin an director. 2. To abolish the Pelping branch of 4. military 3.

To council's bustness to military affairs commis sion of which General Issimo Chiang Kal-Shek would be chair. man. A 4. To -appoint Gen. Sung ChehYuan, North China overlord reputly selected by Japan to' head an autonemous nation in that area, to tho newly port of pacification commiasoner, for Hoped and Chahar Provinces.

To order dismissal and arrest of, Yin Ju-Keng. Chinese adminis tor of the demilitarized zone and self-appointed chairman of the East. Hopeh autono mous State A Nanking Makes Reforms Japanese military had given the Central government the ternative, in 'effect, of undertaking ite own North China reforms. or seeing the autonomy movement cut loose Ave Northern Provinces, with their population of 95,000.000. report of the Nanking decision on reforms followed an announcement by a the South China delegation to the (Continued on Pago.

FRESH, INQUIRIES ARE LAUNCHED IN HAUPTMANN CASE New Investigation I Reported To Center In Massachusettes Cities Wood Said Identical With Kidnap I Ladder Handwriting and Are Also Involved In Latest. Probe BOSTON, Nov: 26-00 Wood believed. Identical with that Lindbergh kidnap ladder, handwriting: similar notes, and bills Investigators hope may be part of money, have been Massachusetts, tho Boston Globe says in copyrighted Asserting that Boston and Ashby, were focal points in. fresh Inquiry carried on by inver. tIgators for counsel of Bruno Richard Hauptn ann, convicted of the kidnap-murder of the Lindbergh child, the Globe says the wood was found in Ashby, a Ave miles from Fitchburg.

Details of. the handwriting, the paper says, will not be disclosed until a later. date. The money, the Globe adds now la In the possession of the Hauptmann attorneys. It ly wald, to have been passed In Boston.

Informed of the Globe story, C. Lloyd: Flaher, chief of Haupty mann's counsel, said in Flemington, he had no knowledge of the discovery of 'new evidence In "This is an entirely new story to mo," Fisher. said. Seeks New Evidence The only possible basis for such a story, he continued, "is that we are working en new, Hie said he had not been in Massachusetts although the Globe says he has been there! on several The Globe. says, the Investigation has been going on secretly here for month the paper: learned that the Hauptmann detense planned to reveal new eviidence uncovered in Massachusetts before appeal heard, by the Supreme Court says It learned the defense obtained wood In Ashby.

which they consider the same that used to construct the kidnap ladder and letters were found by which 'they hope to ask for a new trial, The defense Is unwilling 'at this time, the story says, to name the man they say passed some of the Lindbergh ransom, money. require. another week, the paper says, and. the defense counsel are apprehensive lest it be erupted by premar ture publication of detalls. Counsel Visits Boston Fisher has made at least.

four trips Boston to check on the discovering, according to the righted arNele, which sald he. conaiders the Maasachusetts discoverles. of Importance. A Boston attorney, unnamed, the' paper says, is acting here for the defense. Some of the discoveries were made, the Globe copyright says, at summer camp in.

the vicinity of: Vinton Pond, Ashby. The defense Investigators, the paper. adds, made their, headquarters at a Ing station owned by. Otis Wilbur on the Ashby Road, Wilbur, the Globe says, was not (C ntinued en l'age Chamber's 'Trade-At-Home 'Drive Is Approved ByLocalKiwanis Club The Kiwanis: Club, at weekly. luncheon yesterday, unanimously approved the campaign inaugurated by" the Chamber of Commerce; referred to the public affaire committee, a remolution suggesting that the names of certain streets in the city changed; and' heard welcomed an one admirable: new mem- ser.

ber, mon on by Dr. Henry Alford -Porter, pastor of the First Baptist Church. There was 'a full attendance of was members presided at the -over -by luncheon, Frank which warde, Announcement was made: that- I from the. local club would go to Loutsa today to Inter view "the business men- of that town. with the object of organizing a Kiwanis Club at an early date.Guy Via asked that the club give Its approval to the campaign Inaugurated by the local chamber of.

commerce In: an effort to get residents to trade at home. resolution to this effect was offered and unanimously. carried. A quartet from the First Baptist Church, consisting of Guy and' Harold yia, Tom Leachman and Joe OF YEARS A SERVICE PRICE THREE CENTS ETHIOPIANS HAVE HEAVY LOSSES DESPERATE FIGHT. AGAINST ITALIANS Mussolini's Campaign I Impeded Deluge of Rain Through Country Deposed Ruler Dies In State Of Exile Modern "Man In the Iron' Mask" Was Held 7 oner by Haile sie's Order (By Associated Prris) One hundred Ethinpians, Include Ink two provincial governors reported killed today In an official Communique, Issued at Rome del arribing a battle north of Dolo on the southern front In Italy's campaign.

of derupation In Ethiopia, Italian losses were announced a four native--soldiers killed, wounded and two missing. Rain over fronte Impeded somewhat the preparations for new Italian advances, and provided dreary dirge for LAJ Yanu, deruler who died in exile. The grandson of former, me peror Aenelek, cousin of the present Emperor Halle died near Harer, the government, anounced. It wee Li Tisu the Italians were rumored to be seeking in an effort to establish govern ment In Ethiopia, Italian advance patrols sloshed through persiatent downpours In pursuing enemy from the Temblen and Gherica regional west of Makale on the northern front. Wet Season Expected Natives told Italian correspondents the rain might presage season which could Impede: serious ly the next major advance, but nevertheless Fascist troops busted themselves with preparations for the push southward, On the right wing of the northfern forces Gen.

Pletro Maravigna's second army corps drove forward to Dams Galila airplanes! cruised above, ready to swing into action with machine runs at the drat wight of Ethiopian forces. On the extreme left Gen. Oreste Marlotti's column of Danakil. warrion, bolstered by 600 knew cruits, sought another chance Degiac Kassa Sobat whose troops ambushed the Danakile recently at On the southern front "Gen. Graziani's army fared Nttle better with the weather.

Between showers armored care streaked into central and northern Ogaden Province, yesterday an Ethiopian: caravan Aight. From Addle Ababa came. word that four Italian planes had circled over Jipige, strategic point on' the front," without dropping bomba: Hind Rtrange Carver The death.of. ramored from the Ethiopian political scene man who had faded into an -scurity. which spawned strange and fantastic tale about him, In 1916, 'when the was deposed by the tribal chiefs, flatie Selassla became regent and heir to throne, sharing the scepter with Queen Zauditu, daughter of Mene lek.

141 Tasu ruled only for three years before being exiled to a villa prison specially constructed for him at Tiara Mulata, near Harar One legend, about him sald the one monarch was held golden chains at Addle' Ababa palace to prevent the Itallang front kidnaping him. A Generally it was 'said Halle lassle allowed LiJ Yamu every. luxe but little was known of him The Ethiopian government especially secretive since the puri ported Italian attempt a few kidnap the deposed. ruled by afr Halle. Selassle became sole ruler of Ethiopia after the death Queen.

Zauditu, In :1930. Two years later LiJ Yasu escaped prison, dis guised an a woman, and launcher -unsuccessful- revolution. Halle Selassie went into mourn Ing for predecessor, who about 50 years old Parole Comes For Dead Man HARRISBURG, Nov: 24- (-Earnest serving to twelve months for making statements In license application, asked for a parole on. the, ground that he was Ill. The parole papers arrived oral hours after Hagler died.

REMEMBER TIMBERLAKE'S co*cktail hour-3 to 4 P. M. our ad on page 13 1. Independents Are Held Divided, On Borah Presidential Candidacy Senators Norris, La Follette, and Johnson Considered Pro-Roosevelt; Nye, Frazier, and Norbeck, May Support Borah WASHINGTON, Now. With Senator Borah: apparently considering the Idea of running for politicians noted- today, that his Republican Independent colleagues: in the Senate probably would be divided such a members g.

Three of that: litti. band in Borah has been a leader for. years- Senators. Norris of La Follette of and Johnson of California -have become so closely: amilated with President Roosevelt that. a would be unlikely, political leaders contended.

These three have. taken so littie part Republican of. late that could probably rive Borah small help even In fight for the nomination. La Follette! has left the party entirely and become- a President Roosevelt supported, Johnson and- La Follette in cooperated. with him in 1932, last campaigna, after they ris, who fought for Mr.

Roosevelt in the last Presidential. face, already has his support another term if he chopses to run. Johnson and up $35,000 DAMAGE REPORTED IN FIRE None Said To Be Injured in Costly, Blaze At (Gordonsville' thrMing, rescue of Miss Anna Ross, 88-year-old Gordonsville woman, as flames swept the house in the Gordonsville fire which caused an estimated $35,000 damage last. night, was reported to the Dally Progress this mornIng. Miss Ross, who.

la the sister of W. Ross, police justice, carried-out of the -flaming building In her nightgown. No one was Infured In the blaze which destroyed three stores, two residences, and and badly damaged the town's theatre. There was reported to. be little Insurance coverage on the burned bulldings, the opinion being expressed that a chain grocery store was the only one which carried lasurance.

This building la the property 'of the estate of S. Marcus, and is now owned by Mrs. Ellie Marcus Marks, dean of Henry Clay in Norfolk. The Are reported in the Hoffman meat market, and the names quickly spread to the Ross home, the chain store, Miss Donald's Millinery Shop, and a house belonging to W. Thomas, The cause of the fire has not yet been WIt.

was brought under control shortly after midnight, after have ing raged unchecked for several hours. situation was aggravated by lack of water, due to pairs which were being made on the reservoir: Orange Are departments fought the 'blaze, and hooked. their. lines a- Chesapeake- and Ohio Railroad water tank, which contained more than 150,000 gallons of water. This was done about.

the time that the "theatre, began to burn, and from then on the fire was brought under The of wind helped the Aremen in their efforts- to check the blaze. President Studies. Problems of Budget WARM SPRINGS, Nov. 26- Budget recommendations drew the attention of President Roosevelt while child patients of the Warm Springs Foundation citedly awalted drawing. today which: will decide his Thankegiv ing.

dinner partnere. Ascal experts confer. red, with the President, before glowing Areplace at the "Little White House" on pruning' of the program to be presented Congress in- January. The group was joined by Aubfey Willam, director of the board of the Nattonal Youth Administration, who told newspapermen The wan seeking the remaining $13.000,000 of the agency's allotment" Secretary. Morgenthau, Chairman Buchanan of the House appropriations committee, Daniel Bell, director of the A budget, and Mark Shields, clerk of the House: Appropriations committee; remained here, but offered no comment on the dhancial MEET ME AT TIMBERLAKES co*cktail hour-3 to 4 P.

M. See our ad on page 12. It-1p: Powers Will Probably Discuss Plan To Postpone Naval Race To Try To Raise Age Limit, After Which Ships Un-: der Present Treaties May Be From 20: to -26 Years feud of long last yest and. are now warm friends: But it is problematical, what: part John will play In the next convention. From the other Senate Independenta.

Borah might expect a more Senator help. Couzens, of Michigan, semi-member of the group, once offered to france Boarh dential campaign, but, has not been considered friendly. in recent years. Ily support would not be an however, politiclans The split between Borah and his colleagues among the Independents has only been political, but In some cases economic. While they supported Roosevelt in 1932, he stayed on the side Since that time, the has often broken with them- In- 'voting or -New Deal measures.

Senator Nye, of. "North Dakota, has continued in' much the 'same category. Borah. His colleague, Senator Frazier, already has" spoken up for Borah. Senator Norbeck, of South Dakota, might also be supporter; ob-1 servers believe.

OZLIN HAS PLAN TO HELP SCHOOLS Will Reveal Method By Which State Can Give Additional Funds RICHMOND, 20. Thomas W. Ozlin, chairman of the State Corporation Commission, today said he would tell a joint meeting of sahool superintendents. and trustees at the John Marshall Hotel tonight how the State -can provide additional funds. for purpose "without impairing other State "ervices." He pians were announced, approximately 4,000 public school teachers, supervisors and executives converged upon Richmond tor the four day annual convention of 1 the Virginia Education Associ-, ation, at which plans 'to secure additional appropriations to: raise minimum salaries of teachers and 'revised teachers' retirement plan will be discsuded.

The conclave, which will be at John Marshal, will. be paralleled by of the Co- operative Education Association ation and Southern Business Edu cation Association at the Vefferson on Wednesday and Thursday, Mr. Oziin today gave but A hint of what he Intended tonight at the preliminary meeting of school officials. "The discussion will Include comment upon the legal, Annacial and other aspects of the problem of public education," expect to talk about the Hall' plan and where the money can be obtained to' Anance it without Impairing other State The program now advocated by the Board of Education, backed by the Virginia Education calls for, nearly $5,000,000 in. additional The sessions of the Virgmia Education Association were to this afternoon with separate gatherings of the Department of Superintendent.

Department of Trustees and Department of supervisors. The 'superintendents planned to discuss the results of a revised curriculum- apprenticeships for and. library: service 'in high schools, The trustees were to tak3 up' the question of free textbooks for Vir' ginia schools and problems of dent transportation, while the' supervisors were to talk. of evaluation of: Instruction, united program for Improvement of instruc-1 tion and libraries In elementary schools. The Department, of "Supervisors will gather at a dinner tonight.

to hear Miss Jewell Simpson. assistant superintendent of instruction In Maryland on "Characterization: of Good Four State Grants Rescinded By PWA -WASHINGTON, Nov. The public works administration rescinded four -Virginia grants to talling $132,200. and added two' jects with a grants totaling $310,600. Those rescinded were a Bath County School project for Muleboro and Mountain Grove, because.

the 'county board failed to accept the grant offer: waterworks projects at Vienna, $27,900, because a Issue failed; Roanoke Incinerator, $50,850, because abandoned the plan and Leesburk sewer: project, $63,450, election WASHINGTON Nov 26 -A plan which might postpone any international race build big la considered likely exhaustively at the Naval Conference opening London Dea. 6, The plane la bound up with the question as to: when -battleship should he considered that la, old enough to replaced with new The present treaties limiting the; world's major Navies that after. 1036 battleships may bed replaced. when the age of However, these treaties are now doomed to expire at the end of 1934. The offertive of the London conference 13 to reach a new agreement.

Suxxentiona have been made In revcrul countrice that replacements be permitted only-after- a 25 or 24 years old. expert argue this would tend to maintain the "status quo" Among British, American and Japanese capital ships. They say building race in battleships and battle cruisers, by far the mont expensive warships afloat, would virtually be postponed for several years at least, tive Makes Partial Confession to 9 Murders WORKER INFLICTS WHOLESALE DEATH Severely Wounded Cap- K- OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov: 24-489 Investigation of the fate of nine. missing persons focused todhy upon the condition of Chester Cumer, 25, Itinerant. oil worker, gravely wounded in a gunfight before his capture yesterday.

Comer, bullet: In hie. sins gasped a barely paderitandable admission of partial guilt before lapsing into a coma. E. Smith Heater, McCain county attorney; said Comer confessed he killed Ray: Evans, prominent Shawnee attorney; 1. A.

Pielmont farther, and Simpson's son, hid their bodies. "I did away with three dumpet their bodies in a pile under pipeline near lester quoted Comer's Arit and second wives were added to the lat of' missing. Federal probed the bility. Comer may have killed four Minola Tourists, George M. Lorlue and Albert Heberer and their wives, in New.

Mexico several months ago. "Three bodies ch, piles of bodien," Heater quoted the mumbling Comer. "I wouldn't be surprised at anything we may run said Col. Charles Daley, State Crime Bureau chief, an he direrted a far-fung wearch for the victims. Daley said personal: belongings -found In Simpaon's cat in which Comer captured our fears for those missing." "Comer had a cane belong.

Evans, whom he told me he killed," Daley said. "In addition, there were a couple of sweaters which might- have belonged to young boy, face powder and women's tollet articles and some small baby's hoods, "He had two pistols hemiden the one he used in the gunnght yestorday, and large quantity of ammunition" Ellsworth's Plane Is Still Missing NEW YORK, Nov. The whereabouts of Lincoln Ellsworth and him pilot, iErbert, who left Dundee early Raturday to Ay. aCrOns the Antarctic continent, remained tery Their Inst wirelessed. report their base ship, the Wyatt Earp, was at (Eastern' Standard Time) Saturday A mensage from the Wyatt and Earp to the Now York Times the North American -Newspaper All Aal4, however, that memberstior of the expedition believed Elleworth and bin pilot were safely ens camped at the Bay of Whales, former.


26 (P) Acting Secretary of War Harry H. Woodring has approved the follow. my application By the "Virginia Department: for construction of bridge across Jones Creek, at Res cue, to replace: an: exist Ting structure. Admiral William Blandley, an American delegate the conference, declined today to: the American on'. thin Other Naval expert also withheld comment, The United Slates has 15 battle ships of (61.300 tona, but Naval here that when the treaties expire, only eight of 260,500 tone will ba under 20 years However, most of the other would have several to before they became 2 Under present treaties the United atalod could replace 15 ships every 20 years.

if the age limit were extended construction 'expensa would be sidshed, because the building of the 15 would stretched over 25 or 26, yearn. Great Britain. has battle-whips and cruisers of. 750 tons. of only tons will be under age Deck 31, 1936: The Japanese frat of capltai ships consists of nine of 272,070 tons, of Ave of 154,700 ions will be under are.

No eatimaten are available here as to: what effecte the change would have on British Japanese Beets or programs: LAVAL TO. DEMAND CONFIDENCE VOTE French Premier Acts to Defend His Cabinet Against Overthrow PARIS, Nov. 26-U Premier Pierre Laval today yielded demands of the Laftiets for the disbandirs Nationalist forces, such as the war veterans' Crolx de Fou, to save the Trans and to do fend his cabinet of overthrow. The 'cabinet agreed on 1 pro ponst, now pending. in Parliament, to 'appeal to the Chamber of ties' for immediate dincussion of Anancial measures.

This' decision means Laval will demand an Immediate vote of ndence for his decree laws which are intended to defend the franc againat speculation and the budget uncertainty- now. causing heavy. outflow gold, with danger of eventual revaluation of the franc. The Premier will ank the take up the battle against political troops after he disposes of the interpellation. of his Anar clal polley.

A The cabinet's decision to support proposal to disband' "seditious leagues" was, without naming Croix de Few, taken in the face of warning frum friends of. Col. Francola do La Roque, Its leader, such. action would lead to "brutal shock and: perhaps Civil War." The new measures, yet announced, were taken to "assure the in the country." These were understood formed circles to empower prefectat (provincial governors) to forbid, meetings if they fear disorders. will result, such as the outbreak: at Limoges Nov.

17.. (A clash between Nationalists and Leftists at Limoges, attended by. shooting, resulted in injury twelve persons.) Prefects would he further ampowered to mass sufficient police forces, to suppress such disturbances, these circles said. Worley, favored the diners two selection, "Steal Away." Negro spiritual, and) The Bulldog on the -The accompanist was the church organist, Kirk Paype. Luncheon Program: The luncheon program.

charge mittee; of of which the, club's Earl Vaughan com chairman, and the introduced the speaker; Dr. Porter. Taking for his subject, Be Thankful," Dr. Porter said that many people, at they chose: 10, might sit down and pine over" their or unfortunate circ*mstances, he said, will convince any 'of us that our blessings are, beyond computetion: "Let's be thanktut tor bealth. Health, as Emerson long ago told us, In the greatest wealth.

What Is. the value of Ask that man whose ambitious wings have been forever chipped. be tha ikful for sleep: The gift: of sleep is the gift of love. da the worth of It? Ask the Dives. tossinz on bin pillow: who (Continued on Page Six) China Clipper Will Take Air Tomorrow WAKE ISLAND, Nov.

26-4- The. crew. of the China Clipper -rested today. while the hure flying host was serviced for the next: to the last 'hop of its Jourknew to establish trans mall Carrying. 1,500 pounds of mall destined for Manila, the Pan-AmerIcan Airways liner will resume Its night tomorrow dawn, hopping Guam, 1,500 mlles torthe West.

DODGE CITY. Nov. 26- (-H. Speer, dickering over sale of a rife unloaded it and. tighted bis pipe: A "It ought to be worth.

sald Speers, when bang! went. the remnants of his pipe. He Agured the dropped one of the cartridges do his tobacco: befare be his. pipe, ELK'S DANCE. WEDNESDAY! Elks ladies invited -Supper 7.

Ps M. Good orchestra -N. C. C. 14-1p.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.